Elephants Walking

As Westerners, we like results, and these many months of preparation prior to building have sometimes felt ponderous as an elephant walking: step…s-t-e-p…s–t–e–p. But elephants are sometimes thought to be wise, and we are all for that. These ponderous steps have brought us to the latest news on the Maasai School project. The weighing of the two options for the school campus site is over and the first installment of construction funds has been wired!

The school is being built on the east side of the hills. If you have been with us for the long haul, you know this side has no fresh water supply. It is agreed by all partners, Maasai partners and Westerners, that the most valuable aspect of this location is the group of elders whose main concern is for their community. Their commitment has been proven through action; upon hearing the final decision for the school to be built there, they immediately set to clearing rocks from the route of the future school road. They are the ones who put before us the original request to take the leap with them imagining and bringing to reality the dream of a school. Our interactions have been consistently positive.This type of commitment through action, and this vision, and this concern for their community was not evidenced by the elders on the west of the hills.


And water! Our answer to the need for water is to equip every building with a rainwater harvesting system and to renew researching the possibilities for drilling a well.

We look to the future with anticipation and hope.


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